Aviation Finance Analysis | Airfinance Global

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Analysis: Private equity comes to the fore

Private equity is playing a key role in financing the aviation industry amid the Covid-19 crisis, but is its involvement the first sign of a nascent recovery, or funding of last resort for a desperate sector? Oliver Clark reports.

Banks consider aviation exit as lending slumps

More lenders, allegedly non-core aviation banks, are reviewing their position in aviation finance, sources tell Airfinance Journal.

Opinion: Nationalising Norwegian a mixed blessing for lessors Free

Opinion: Timing of Airbus zero-emission concept is not innocent

Airbus sent some messages to the industry last week but what could zero-emission concept do the Neo and Max values?

Analysis: Loyalty fundraising reveals airlines' true value

Frequent flyer programmes have proven valuable for fund raising amid the Covid-19 crisis, but also reveal the limited profitability of airline's core businesses.

Analysis: Airlines funding gathers pace

The world’s airlines raised $61 billion additional liquidity between May and August, Airfinance Journal’s Deal Tracker shows.

Airlines seek more cash through aircraft asset sales

Sources expect more sale and leaseback transactions for new and second-hand aircraft later in the year and into next year as airlines look to preserve cash.

Hawaiian's yen-denominated loans explained Free

Joon-Ho Lee, senior vice-president at Burnham Sterling & Co, outlines the benefits for Hawaiian Airlines of refinancing six aircraft with yen-denominated loans.

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