Aviation Finance Analysis | Airfinance Global
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How affordable is the re-fleeting challenge?
Airlines North AmericaWhile the stronger airlines have emerged from Covid even stronger, many weaker airlines have not.
SAF consumption: A closer look
Fuel North AmericaThe percentage of total consumption was tiny, reflecting the availability of SAF and its price.
Why airline funding is evolving
Profits are on the rise but expenses will hit a record high of $936 billion this year
Secondary trades matter
In 2023, trades involving lessors as sellers or buyers reached 1,656 aircraft valued at $47 billion
One step to Net Zero 2050 – improve fuel efficiency
FuelThe Airfinance Global has Financial and Operational data for 325 airlines. 39 of them provide sufficient disclosure to calculate fuel consumption (litres per million ASK) for 2019 and 2023 and therefore we can calculate the % change.
The Carrot Approach to Net Zero 2050
LessorsAirfinance Global's transaction data indicates that French borrowers and issuers are in the lead in applying sustainability-linked financing to their businesses. Societe Generale, BNP Paribas, and Credit Agricole occupy the top three arranger slots.